Sustainable solutions

Environmental challenges and consumer expectations are more and more driving companies to set ambitious goals for the reduction of their Greenhouse Gas emissions, water, other utility consumption and waste.

As an Original Equipment Manufacturer, we strive to provide innovative and sustainable solutions that will help our customers have a greener production. Here are some examples of how we help our customers increase their resource savings:

  • Minimum energy, air, chemicals and water usage is ensured with the eco-responsible solution Sidel EvoBLOW:
    • Blowers use up to 45% less energy in the oven and 35% less energy for air compression > Sidel EvoBLOW
    • The filling machines reduce energy by up to 30% by using servomotors instead of traditional drive systems > Sidel EvoFILL Can
    • The labellers cut electrical consumption by up to 40% > Sidel EvoDECO Multi
  • Sensitive products such as juices, teas and liquid dairy products can be packaged aseptically, using no water and almost no chemicals thanks to our innovative Predis™ dry preform decontamination solution. > Sidel EvoBLOW Aseptic
  • Eco-friendly recycled material and 100% solvent-free, the Sidel Rollsleeve labeller is a labelling solution for now and the future.

With our range of eco options and upgrades, we are committed to supporting you in meeting your environmental goals while optimising your equipment performance. > Eco Options and Upgrades

Whether you want to stand out on the supermarket shelves, lightweight your spending and your environmental impact, reduce energy consumption and your carbon footprint or improve the consumer experience, we have the bottle solution for you. Check out our Packaging Innovations.