The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals


Diversity, equity & inclusion

Sidel is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as both a moral imperative and a strategic priority. Our inclusive environment values all gender identities, disabilities, ages, nationalities, and ethnicities, allowing employees to fully express themselves. Recognizing the benefits of diversity, we aim to access a wider talent pool, enhance decision-making, and create a dynamic environment for our stakeholders. 

In 2023, we defined Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging as strategic priorities and we began implementing a concrete action plan, starting with gender and nationality. One of our proudest projects is the SustainabilityBuilders Network that brings together a group of individuals with different genders, geographical backgrounds, roles, and organisational levels, all of whom are dedicated to sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion. This year, they will be focussing on updating our policies to better embed DEI principles and promote open dialogue. 

Our 2024 Diversity Action Plan emphasizes awareness and training to ensure that all employees understand the importance of DEI. This includes special training courses for recruiters and managers on how to attract and manage diverse teams as well as specific programs for the empowerment of women. 

We also foster inclusivity through mentoring. For gender diversity, we are implementing a specific mentoring program and a women's representative group that offers support and guidance. Generational diversity is also promoted through our Buddy Program that pairs senior employees with newcomers to encourage knowledge sharing and integration.