Packaging optimisation

Raw materials account for 70-80% of a bottle's cost and significantly impact its carbon footprint. This is why we have made packaging optimisation research and development a core value for over 40 years. Thanks to this commitment, our design and technology can now ensure major cost and CO2 emission savings, while securing bottle quality.

When optimising packaging, we always focus on finding the perfect balance between best-in-class bottle weight, an optimum process with low energy consumption and targeted bottle performance. This means that even though the weight is reduced, the bottle remains highly resistant throughout the supply chain and projects your brand values to the final consumer.

To achieve this, our experts assess all the relevant requirements (bottle weight, performance, shelf-life, line output, energy consumption etc.) and then design the perfect solution to satisfy them. 

Our packaging optimisation approach includes:

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What does packaging optimisation mean in practice?

The depth of expertise we have gained over decades of PET bottle lightweighting can be seen in the progress made with our 0.5L water bottle. Since 1990 we have made significant improvements to this container* in various areas:

  • Weight reduction: weight savings of over 60%, from 19g to 6.5g.
  • Energy efficiency: oven energy reduced by over 70%, from 6.3 Wh to 1.7 Wh per bottle. Blower energy consumption reduced with blowing pressures cut by over 55%, from 35 bars to 15 bars per bottle.
  • Production speed: increased almost three times, from 1,000 bph to 2,700 bph.
  • CO2 emissions: overall CO2 emissions reduced by over 65%, from 41g CO2eq to 14g CO2eq per bottle.

Sidel's packaging engineers apply the same approach across all market categories, ensuring sustainable and efficient packaging solutions for all products.

*all calculations are based on comparisons between a 500ml PET water bottle from 1990 and a 2024 bottle