The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals


Health & safety

Sidel prioritizes safety across all its operations by fostering a leadership-driven culture focused on education, accountability, and proactive behaviour. We ensure safe workplaces for all, including subcontractors, customers, and visitors, while complying with environmental regulations. Our commitment to continuous improvement, ISO certifications, and regular audits underscores our dedication to safeguarding employees and stakeholders.

In 2023 we achieved our target in advance and 100% of all our production sites are now ISO 45001-certified. Complying with regulations, including environmental legislation, is an essential part of our culture and vital for our success. We strive to achieve and maintain this strong HSE culture through our seven HSE principles:  

  1. Our goal is ZERO work-related illnesses, accidents and environmental incidents
  2. All accidents and incidents must be reported, all Lost Time Accidents analyzed and environmental incidents investigated
  3. Managers are responsible for ensuring safe working conditions, for enforcing HSE standards and developing continuous HSE improvement
  4. Employees are responsible for implementing and complying with HSE standards and contributing to their continuous improvement.
  5. Any deviation from HSE standards must be corrected promptly. All employees are responsible for reporting or, if necessary, stopping unsafe work practices.
  6. All employees must receive training on relevant safety-related issues and environmental standards.
  7. Managers must perform regular HSE audits for their area of responsibility