Throughout the company’s history, Sidel engineers and designers have been challenging industry with ecological innovations in packaging design, equipment and services, in order to consume fewer resources, and move towards a more circular economy. This experience has paved the way for Sidel to ignite greater sustainable change within the company and beyond.
“Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do, and we want to ignite conscious changes in both our industry and the wider market. Our commitments apply across all Sidel sites where we operate globally, and also across what we deliver to our customers and what we purchase from our suppliers,” says Monica Gimre, CEO & President at Sidel. “We know that no single company or individual can bring about sustainable transformation alone; therefore, Sidel is standing ready with the tools our customers need on their sustainability journey. This is our message to customers: when it comes to consciously creating a cleaner and greener world, you are never alone,” declares Ms. Gimre.