Caution - Fraud Alert!

Several Sidel customers, suppliers and key partners have recently been the target of Internet-based fraud attempts. They received fake e-mails or phone calls from so-called Sidel employees, requesting or providing business sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, banking details and/or invoice information with the objective of using this information to divert payments from the pre-agreed payment methods.

Different fraud techniques were used in recent cases:

  • E-mails using false e-mail addresses but real Sidel employees signatures asking our customers to redirect payments to an unknown bank in a third country.
  • Phone calls to our suppliers from so-called Sidel employees requesting invoice information, and then sending forged supplier invoices.
  • Other schemes, which are all intended to alter the flow of money or business sensitive information.

Please remain vigilant and verify any unusual request with your trusted business partner in Sidel. If you believe you have been a target of an attempted fraud using Sidel information (real or false), please let us know. This way we can help protect you and our other partners against these criminal acts. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic further please do not hesitate to contact the Sidel Corporate Governance Office at


Additional information and guidelines to help protect against future fraud attempts can be downloaded here.