Aurora Organic Dairy 2020

The challenge

Founded in 1976 and headquartered in Colorado, Aurora is the leading producer and processor of store-brand organic milk and butter for US retailers. Its goal is to bring organic milk to mainstream America with the highest quality and freshness, more affordable pricing and improved availability for consumers. Moreover, according to Aurora Organic Dairy’s Chief Customer Officer, Jason Lee, they are seeing growth opportunities and customer interest in aseptically bottled milk and milk-based products in PET.

The solution

After years of processing ultra-pasteurised milk in gallon jugs and half gallon cartons, Aurora started to bottle low-acid, shelf-stable organic milk in PET by choosing Sidel’s Aseptic Combi Predis™. Part of a complete line, which also features Tetra Pak Processing Systems Technology, it helped this key player in the US organic dairy market expand its organic milk offerings. Sidel’s solution was implemented because of its certified proficiency: as well as having more than 180 references worldwide, it was the world’s first aseptic PET filling equipment with dry preform sterilisation to be approved by the FDA, in early 2017. 

The outcome

By selecting Sidel’s Aseptic Combi Presis™, Aurora benefits from increased marketing opportunities while leveraging a cost-effective and flexible production process. PET packaging allows brand differentiation due to the virtually endless design freedom it offers, while ensuring strong brand recognition across a complete bottle family, from large to on-the-go formats. These properties are highly valued by Aurora, which is now producing its organic milk bottled in PET in 8oz, 12oz, 16oz and 32oz squared containers, reminiscent of the classic glass milk bottles used for home delivery in the past. Aurora’s extremely high standards are preserved by the barrier properties offered by PET – enabling the highest food safety requirements – and the 100% sterile processing and packaging provided by the line. This choice marked the start of a new journey for Aurora: bottling its UHT milk in PET, and ultimately enabling an attractive and premium packaging to reach consumers in new channels.

"“Our innovation team has been working very closely with the Sidel packaging team to quickly develop new container designs. Sidel has been a great partner throughout this process, and we are extremely excited about the future capabilities this line provides us and our customers.”"

Jason Lee

Aurora Organic Dairy’s Chief Customer Officer