The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals


Design for circularity

At Sidel we are committed to advancing circularity in the packaging industry in line with the Circular Economy Action Plan for the European Green Deal. Through our Design for Recycling approach, we ensure our products are built for longevity, ease of maintenance and recyclability. With a firm pledge to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, we prioritize sustainability at every stage of our operations.

Our dedication to circularity extends to initiatives like the repeatable line project and our involvement in R-Cycle, an open tracing standard for sustainable plastic packaging. As founding members of R-Cycle, we are spearheading the adoption of a digital product passport for sustainable plastic packaging. This initiative based on GS1 standards, facilitates the seamless exchange of packaging information across the value chain, from manufacturers to recyclers.

Collaboration is key to achieving our sustainability goals. Through R-cycle, we engage with a network of over 30 dedicated members and more than 50 companies and organizations to explore projects and innovations aimed at advancing sustainable solutions.

We have initiated various projects under the R-Cycle umbrella, including the pooling of packaging information, which underscores our commitment to driving positive change and helping achieve an effective circular economy.