PalAccess™: the new layer-by-layer modular palletizing platform

Constantly improving our packaging line technology, Gebo Cermex presents the company’s latest offering in layer-by-layer palletizing: PalAccess™. This new platform represents the best value for money on the market for a conventional palletizing solution. Designed for use across our key market segments (Beverages and Food, Home and Personal care), PalAccess™ optimizes performance while bringing down total cost of ownership. PalAccess™, a traditional layer-by-layer technology, could be a good starting point for End-of-Line automation.


This new platform stands out from the crowd and offers a “projection towards the future” thanks to its state-of-the-art integrated intelligence and advanced technological features from the Palletizing/Depalletizing business unit of Gebo Cermex from both the Parma and St Laurent sur Sèvre production sites.

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