The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals


Rights and wellbeing

Sidel prioritizes employee well-being by promoting physical and mental health, offering work-life balance tools, and providing essential healthcare globally. Our remote work policy is supported by global guidelines and organised to ensure business continuity. While our robust parental leave fosters a compassionate work environment, prioritizing family well-being.

We are committed to ensuring fair pay globally and recognizing the importance of living wages in elevating dignity and reducing poverty. In 2023, we also launched a global initiative to prioritize mental health that included the establishment of a dedicated committee.

We support fair labour practices and encourage collective bargaining and open communication channels. Our togetheWE project fosters social bonding through shared activities, promoting teamwork and reducing stress. Sidel is dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace where fairness, collaboration, and employee happiness thrive. In 2023, we organized 85 initiatives with 3,775 participants across 22 Sidel sites worldwide.