Automated Palletization of Whipped Cheese at Laïta: a project with a strong human dimension

The reputation of the Laïta dairy cooperative enterprise is built as much on the excellence of its products as on the quality of the relations it maintains with its members and with its staff. To accompany the increase in production volumes of the Madame Loïk whipped cheese range at its Créhen plant, Laïta has chosen the solution proposed by Cermex in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, part of the Palletizing/Depalletizing Business Unit of Gebo Cermex.


Downstream from the filling operation, a Pal-Vite 410 robotic palletizing unit simplifies the transfer of tubs to the cooling room. In substance, it radically improves the well-being of the operators assigned to this task previously carried out manually. In addition to the required increase in output, Laïta particularly appreciated the pressureless and almost individual handling of tubs during layer preparation.


Ergonomics, ease of maintenance and project management were equally decisive factors.The unit installed in Créhen is a perfect illustration of Cermex expertise in robotic palletizing units, combining the supply of standard modules with the capacity to develop customized solutions to meet specific needs.