Changeovers on shrinkwrappers: from user-friendly to fully automated

From fully automated changeovers…

We cannot avoid it, automated changeovers is almost considered a standard for major key accounts. All equipment manufacturers are proud to promote their automated changeover solutions, but how many can actually provide a solution that is 100% automated, from product infeed all the way down to the tunnel outfeed? In reality, not that many…


We, at Gebo Cermex provide a complete solution so that from the push of a button, the conical infeed, product selection, product collation, tray magazine and tray former (if equipped), product lapping as well as the oven mechanical adjustments can be performed totally automatically, thus reducing significantly changeover time down to 2 to 3 minutes.…to ergonomic improvements!


Not all companies can afford fully automated changeover solutions, but some of them are still willing to invest to assist operators in the process, so they can perform the task in a more efficient way.


In order to catch this value, we have designed an intermediate solution using digital read outs with LEDs that change from red to green as soon as the actual position of the part matches the data stored in the format recipe.


This provides an excellent visual check and the associated machine layout on the HMI will also tell you exactly where to look at if any adjustment need further attention. This may significantly improve changeover time and repeatability, and guess what, it is also pre-designed to receive small servomotors, so whenever you are ready to completely automatize the process, it will be easier to do so.


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