西得乐EvoBLOW Aseptic配备技术独特而又成熟可靠的干法瓶坯杀菌解决方案Predis™。它融合了西得乐在敏感性产品领域的多年经验、令人称道的无菌专业能力和PET创新技术,在液体包装行业具有无可比拟的优势。
西得乐EvoBLOW Aseptic主要随Combi配置进行销售,打造集瓶胚灭菌、吹瓶、灌装、旋盖于一体的生产设备。此项技术已为多家大型饮料和乳制品公司采用,西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis™已成为饮料行业无菌PET包装的生产标杆,适用于无菌生产茶饮料、果汁饮料、纯果汁、功能饮料和液态乳制品(如常温白奶或豆奶)。
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis为饮料行业打造:
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis 提供全面的灵活性,且能最大程度地减少停机时间。它可利用各种形状和尺寸的PET包装瓶来生产多种配方的饮料,既不降低生产速度,也不影响轻量化。
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis:
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis 还为饮料生产商提供以下优势:
相比传统的无菌灌装系统,西得乐全新Aseptic Combi Predis 具有成本效益和环保优势:
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis 旨在确保食品安全和产品完整性,在不使用防腐剂的情况下延长敏感性产品的货架期,而且操作维护简单易行。
西得乐Aseptic Combi Predis 具有当今饮料市场最长的无菌装瓶无故障运行时间。
The low output Combi Predis Capdis leverages Sidel unrivalled aseptic dry-preform and cap technology for those who need flexible aseptic PET packaging production at lower speed for small batches prior to a wide-scale roll-out, small volumes for regional markets or niche markets or for dairy applications.
Did you know that you can safely produce any kind of high or low acidity beverage in aseptic conditions with both cost-effective and environmental benefits? You can simply achieve this while ensuring food safety with the Sidel integrated blow-fill-cap solution including dry preform decontamination: the Sidel Aseptic Combi Predis™. It ensures 100% sterilisation of your packaging using no water and almost no chemicals. It is designed to protect the integrity and safety of your products while generating cost savings for your business.